The Canadian locksmith must do more than simply memorize the test material to pass the written exam. He or she must understand and apply the material with competence. The hands-on learning is supervised by the instructor.
There is an annual locksmith auction for Ontario locksmiths, a golf tournament, a locksmith academy, an electric door operator class, and a locksmith convention. The basic locksmithing courses cost $300. There are separate costs for each area of locksmithing. Panic Exit Devices course costs $275, Lock Picking costs $175, Basic Safe Searching costs $275. There's also Access Control, Door Closer Installation, Tricks of the Trade, and many more courses available for advanced learning.
There is, of course, an at-home course that one can enroll in that suggests a budding locksmith can earn over $17 an hour after only nine months of training. Much like the distance courses offered in the United States for locksmiths, Kwikset and IICO are listed as the locks and key making machinery used during training. This course does give locksmith skills that are necessary; however, apprenticeship under an established locksmith gets you paid while you learn real life situations rather than textbook versions. You can learn much from a seasoned professional including what not to do!
Whether you are learning in Canada, the United States, or Australia, the education and apprenticeship are necessary to establish a base for a locksmith career.
Learning on your own may give you the barest of starts, but you will need to prove yourself worthy of your title. Many times the only way to convince future employers or future customers that you deserve their business is to be able to show valid certificates and licenses. Landing the big accounts will mean showing that you had the devotion and interest to prove yourself trustworthy.