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Nobel Pages is Free Article Directory providing you with a free Platform to submit your valuable, educative , unique and well researched articles. You can find tutorials, essays, articles Teach me, Master, Inspirational, educational, Showcases and good articles related to any thing educative and of value!

How to get your article published

The general problem with the article submissions I usually receive is that I have to reject them for one reason or another. For one, I have to reject submissions that do not adhere to the general webmaster content and policy guidelines.

That's to say I don’t really like content which is copied from other websites or not written from scratch. So far, I can only accept English articles (until I get a translator on board).

Are You Submitting An Articles

If you are aiming to submit an article, a discussion or something that features more text than images:

Please have an introduction, followed by a body and lastly a conclusion.
Subtitle your major points before elaborating them.
Ensure that your word count it is not less 600 words .
To ensure the engagement of readers, please embed a related thumbnail (picture/ photo) to your article.
You will have a chance to embed up to a maximum of two [2] back links pointing to your websites or fun pages if you provide them. (links pointing to abusive, hacking and adult content will be deleted automatically)


Give your submission more leverage by linking back to a previously published article at Nobel Pages Submitting your content as an attachment in a MS Word doc.

Is All Done?

If you are ready with your submission, Feel Free to submit it for review to the administrators email address at esokaemu[at]gmail.com.
After submission, I will review your content for compliance , if your content is approved, you will be able to see your article on the web with in 24HRS and a responding email will be sent having a link pointing to your submitted post

Please do not use this link to inquire about how else to improve your chances of being published. I have almost shared all my interests with you. I wish you the Best of luck and happy writing!

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