Do you know that hot dogs carts are an everyday occurrence in many places. Vendors
who deal in selling hot dogs, complete with all fixings, park in many favorite spaces
to sell their hot dogs. With a help of a portable hot dog stand, it lets them move from place
to place so easily. And wellas at the end of the day, they do clean up and go back
home. No renting of buildings required, no upkeep , its all just about you and the cart, while heading
down the street. the question is, how did it all get started?
The Story Began with Hot Dog
Before you poses a hot dog cart, you have to poses a hot dog. There can be a long debate over where and when the hot dog originated. Some people say it all began in the Frankfurt, Germany as far back as the 1400’s. Others do say, it was in the 1600’s. but still even more have argued that it originated in Vienna (because of the name wiener!) and so it goes on. However no matter where it began from, the hot dog is a favorite allover the U.S.
Another question is, what took the hot dog from obscurity and got launched into prime time? One man called Charles Feltman. A German butcher. In the 1871 he opened the very first hot dog stand on the Coney Island, and we have seen them going strong ever since then. Formerly they were called the Dachshund sausages.
Later Hot dogs soon caught at ball games, and even today, they are the standard fare at ball games. This was as the result of a man named Chris Ahe. This gentle man owned the St. Louis Browns. In the 1893 he started the selling of hot dogs at the games and the rest just history.
Initiating Of A New Name
Why do well call the Hot Dogs Tody ?, hot dog got its name when one cartoonist decided to use it in one of his strip. As a result of seeing Harry Stevens selling hot dogs that he had heated in hot water tanks. Because His ice cream and soda was not selling, he was trying to make a buck. Well, “ Do Get Your Red Hot Dachshunds” this was too much for the poor Harry to spell. So it was shortened to, “Get Your Hot Dogs” that is how the name stuck.
Now The Bun is Born
Remember that these early hot dog cart owners sold the sausages without the benefit of the bun. The hot dog bun just arose out of the necessity of keeping the customers from burning their fingers. And finally in the 1936, Oscar Mayer changed the history. These came out with the very first hot dog cart that moved on wheels. This was also known as the Weiner Mobile. Today Hot dog lovers everywhere can enjoy hot dogs pretty much where ever they go but there is still nothing to hear like the sound of “Get Your Hotdogs “at a ball game, may be.